Dumd ass

grooms boy - my question for you, does ew pull out wart's passport photo, and masturbate with signed oreoles baseball? cunt loves him so much vegasbaby took wart's job instmech. Who knows after our divorce ew can help him get rehired in :).

ew, explain to me in 2005, why didn't u accept wart's hand in marriage? wart could have kicked Mer and I out. Why didn't u want wart's pasty ass then?

ew, what did it feel like meeting my husband at Bangor pool? Miss him when he left jacuzzi?

After we married he contacted u on that snowy day. u met him before he left for work, because u busted out our headlight.

Miss wild nights fucking in our place? The floor, My daughter's bed, couch, wart wants to fuck and saved mouth for you specifically.

wart misses drugged filled nights full of unadulterated sex. The kind where u share most secret fantasies. How sweet…

Miss fucking in our home, car, work? What do u miss most about wart? Miss hard cock hopped on meth where daddy puts it down on baby. Oh, I bet u do that's right ur clock is running out. That timer is counting down to loss of freedom expect noise to be cinched tight bc g boy Gunna turn on u expect it.

What was ur favorite thing when u and wart explored Japan together? Where was ur first kiss? He escorted you out of japan in 2008 waited for ur plane to take off, and he shows up an hour late after Mer and I arrive in Japan.

Honey, since u engaged to boy. wart's all shook up won't u save him from such tyranny? he's crying, his nose red like Rudolph, I have to live with his fucking heart ache over u? Fuck that he's self medicating. He wants to stop the wedding but he's more afraid of death. He loves ya, but loves himself more.

Why did u put noose around neck to prove he'll save u? Shit u'll be fucking dead before soon. Fuck with ur boy's level of jealousy.

Side note - since vehicular lifestyle wart will time how long I am in the bathroom, and invite random chicks to smoke meth in our vehicle and eat pussy. I have pussy on my blanket, pillow, his face and hands wreak of dirty pussy. He wants to touch me, I'm repulse me it works Everytime.

Love ur routine of circling our place hours on end, miss throwing rocks at his window. Miss wart climbing over the fence like a dog for some pussy. Here “good boy come fetch.”

wart gave bmw @tm1044, we will be divorcing, he'll be back at ur doorstep :). Honey, I can't wait for train wreck

It's possible ew got married for a short time and had annulment. When ur boy thought ew handled business. ew visited 1st husband wart ew's golden shower, and groomsboy number 2 shit, blowout, passed like gas, an afterthought. That would be u groomboy