
I don't stand for abuse. Honestly, If I had Real Time Clients, I wouldn't hit a client in session period goes against My nature.

The danger ensued with Me is fun tickle torture, A variety of nerve tingling delights, light wrestling, and laser tag. Cute, fun, and adorable. humorous with a hint of sting.

Cute flirtatious moments, I am Naturally Dominant, Life taught Me Dominance to withstand bariatric pressure of life.

Ethics, Morals, Codes of Conduct are strictly followed with Me.

I don't want abuse anyone, my current clients will attest. We understand playtime is play, when play is over until next time George. we are not friends, but business acquaintances.

Never blur line in business, means sub has upper hand on u. Be needy, clingy, whiny, send tributes. Therapy can be expensive.

I don't have a team, and I wouldn't trust u alone with Me. My safety is paramount, and u can not put a pricetag on My Safety. Phone provides a safe venue for Me. I can live Lifestyle in My Comfort.