Niteflirt's Intuitive Findomme Sexual Denialist, Mistress Voice Reader Alisssandra. Composes scandalous short stories. Fuck My Thoughts documents My alleged abused life, and how I remained Dominant. How fantasies corrupt self actualization.

Fuck My Thoughts exposes abusive homewrecking relationships, alleged conspiracy for Murder. Need Live from an Intuitive Domme Advice for acrimonious affairs? Alisssandra offers a compilation of diabolical deviant short stories. Marital affairs, exposing dark ethics in consent, Femdomme philosophy, financial ruination, phonesex, gossip. Articles encompass love, blackmail, commitment, homewrecking. Contact @ niteflirt 1-800-863-5478 press 3 enter ext 0189705. Content does not depict Author.

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homewrecked Audio Narrative.

My husband randy allen hartman Photos of Alleged Children

Dick pix...

Disclaimer: I don't know if cocks belong to said individuals. For all I know client found pix online. his story why not roll.

guys and gals proud of appendage. Let me guess u are genitalia. Doesn't say much for sorry ass. Genitalia doesn't make up for what people lack in humanity, individualism, and personality. Genuine *cock* fight guys will fight over any yeasty vag.

homewrecking husband

homewrecking husband

homewrecking husband

I received dick pix a few days ago. First pic looked sad, depressing, and swizzled. Lacking severe blood flow, girth and length. Then sent second pic of someone else's cock. The more I look at pic better cock looks. I can't get over muppety hand granted I don't have full pic of hand.

 muppety hand homewrecking wife

Don't misunderstand I've seen much smaller. I have been on Cam trying to keep face str-8!! Losing myself everytime I can't guys have cried on calls. Best calls ever!! Always better when ur crying.

If cock is no bigger than a binky I can't take u seriously. Instead of hanging up guys will stay on phone until orgasm! Truthfully tiny dix need to masturbate in solidarity not share experience. Better yet find Niteflirt speakers who have empathy for ur situation. u won't find compassion or empathy from Me.

The notion of pic creates feelings? A strange development of clinging Emotionally, Mentally, or Physically. A pic isn't going to tell me quality of person, or what their like in bed. So they have big dick. Quality of stamina, do u know how to use big dick? any size dick means what?

Falling for an idea instead of reality. Is where disillusioned fantasy kicks weird chemical. Triggered brain falling in love with familiar patterned abuse streaming all levels of where toxicity becomes normal.

Attracted and attached to a dick think again. Admittedly I met future ex online. What mistake robbing myself from a opportunity in really getting to know him. Mistakes I made 20/20 is hindsight. Total con, asshole, self harming, and harmful.

Furthermore I don't attach to clients hear word “client” fulfilling fantasy is *Job description*. I'm not here to give *reality*. Have I ever met clients? No, goes against any level of safety..

oh, great Idea put myself in harm's way. Scary enough giving u the “client” an opportunity in harming me? *I don't think so..I know better* fuck isn't that how scary movies start?

01/05/2023 00:53 · Alisssandra

Tarot read mnp63

Divorced dad fantasy…I'd like to know what my wife thinks of our marriage / sex life, if that is possible?

Signifier: upright Four of Pentacles 67 at 37. 4 of Cups

suggests a time of feeling boredom or indifference regarding love life. While relationship lacks interest and weariness. Excitement faded and you may feel more like roommates. Sometimes requires exploration and experimentation. Without effort from both partners, relationship may be nearing its end

Crossing: reversed Empress 3 at 69 reversed

Empress represents a partner who smothers, controlling, alternatively unable to express feeling, or signal one's self-worth needs a boost. Without feeling worthy of being loved, it doesn't matter who you are with, will have difficulties maintaining relationship.

Crowning: upright The Emperor 4 at 28

control when it comes to Emperor, card means authority, regulation, organization and a fatherliness. The Emperor represents a strategic thinker who sets out plans he must see through. He is a symbol of masculine principle - paternal figure in life giving structure, creates systems, and imparts knowledge.

emperor desires to foster honor and discipline. He guides with a firm hand, following calling of crown above all else. Though he is a ruler understanding to reign is also to serve - he acts rationally and according to greater good of kingdom.

Base of matter: upright 6 of Swords 55 at 58

6 of Swords appears signals struggle is reaching its end. Possibly form end of relationship, alternatively putting a painful chapter of relationship behind you and reconciling. suggesting desire to leave past, and move towards an unknown, but brighter future.

Past: reversed Seven of Swords Card 56 at 31

Lies and tricks 7 of Swords tarot. importance remain cautious, especially if you’ve met someone new. You or someone in your romantic life can be dishonest right now, and worst possible cases, even unfaithful. If instincts have been telling you are being lied to you may need to confront and have honest discussion. If this has been you, consider long term consequences of actions.

kindest lie to spare feelings grow into big problems root cause not be addressed.

Future: upright Five of Wands Card 26 at 4

Action required when it comes to love life. relationship, there may be some small conflicts. Beware what initially starts off as playful banter turns into explosive arguments when either of you are stressed. It’s likely arguments here are not too serious.

Nonetheless, they will require some lightheartedness to remember how inconsequential to your happiness. Keep things playful.

How others view you: upright Eight of Pentacles Card 71 at 49

If you think about it, loving someone is like cultivating a skill. requires increased amounts of empathy, compassion, patience, curiosity and desire for self-improvement. Be proud in accomplishment, and lessons learned. If you’re in a relationship, you may find your lover is still surprising you, even all the time you have spent together. new are facets are discovered daily,

if looking hard enough. Maybe falling in love with their sweet kindness, seeing partner's passion erupt when confronted with danger, or violated their principles. Learning to appreciate new sides deepens love for one another.

How you see yourself: reversed Two of Cups Card 37 at 59

When reversed, Two of Cups balance was once now broken. balance an integral part of keeping individuals together, breaking it creates disconnection and discord. negative energy of two forces present seem to repel.

You finding small details which were not problems before are coming into play, signaling one party may have resentments.

A line of communication allowed and openly talk about disagreements has been cut off. worsening cycle of resentment and imbalance. Be first to open up, and you may find problem much easier to repair than you thought it would be

Hopes&Wishes: upright Sun Card 19 at 15

With Sun comes light, life and warmth. The Sun tarot love meaning heralds same relationship and your romantic life in general. There is happiness, celebration, and fulfillment.

relationship blossoming under light, bringing two closer together enjoying life’s blessings. There is likely harmony now, and use time to create closer connection with loved one.

Final outcome: reversed Ace of Cups Card 36 at 63

Some sadness and emotional upset signaled by reversed Ace of Cups. may stemmed from an argument or break up, leaving you to feel alone and vulnerable. card simply mean feeling a bit somber about current relationship, or perhaps having a temporary loss of faith.

Something blocking you from being able to experience, give and receive true love. You may not be meeting your partner, or others in general with open heart. insecurity is playing a strong role; we must all be able to love ourselves before we can truly love another person. Try and look inward, give yourself love you want before seeking in another.

01/04/2023 18:14 · Alisssandra

wanna see you undo it I wanna see you but you're not mine - the 1975

Take archaic process and shove in ass

I don't remember ever telling anyone I've dated, “I'm theirs.” A notion I don't understand to be treated as a possession. No, I belong to myself overtime I've come to understand this is not a compromise.

I will never be told again my happiness will depend on randy or anybody. I've made a clear choice in stopping any level of abuse.

Monogamy a interesting word involving two people. Mono stipulates one so why isn't word duoagamy?

Ensured my relationship went quite monogamously. My relationship with self.

01/02/2023 01:54 · Alisssandra

Countdown till new year...

I've been surveilled since birth. Violence incurred over my years. Perverse parents handlers needed puppet? Sold 1st born for militaristic purposes, and sold second born Brandy Leeann Looney.

Apparently a gifted child, even worse a gift from cosmos. Blessed with cursed intelligence. After 45 years of trying to pervert, taint, and pollute me with unnatural beliefs blew up in unknown faces.

Blueprints, Imprints, and programs failed. Princess and pea, Wizard of oz, Alice in Wonderland Storybook programming, muscle, emotional, and mental Manipulation, and trained for killing of Serial kind.

Should have expected me a bit earlier meaning 5-10 minutes. Might have lucked out having supernatural killer who'd never leave compound.

Had I'd been a solidified double leo with Scorpio ascendant zero conscious, regret, moral. Having cusp on Scorpio/Sagittarius gives mutability. Meaning Conscious…

I have amazing duality: born on new moon or black moon. Mercury in retro, year of Fire Snake, Chinese ascendant goat or lamb pending on region. Western astrology Scorpio 27 degrees cusping Sagittarian. Venus in cancer defeats scope of killing ability to look into someone.

most wanted to doubt any level of humanity in me. Jokes on people involved. Since parameters are observe, record, and detail. Neutralize hoping I don't fully wake.

I've experienced loss, pain, humiliation, and detrimental social experiments. I'm not gunna tell anyone to stop. All situations helped me become formidable, adaptable, and flexible. My life is not publicized for media sake, but certainly dissected for study.

randy hartman said, “he'd destroy my mind to be a perfect vegetable.” I don't keep any illusion of privacy, everything surveilled and monitored.

Fuck y'all, I have beaten system beautifully. I feel ur trying to fail or failing to try. Otherwise comical by my standard.

One function stays very much alive “love” not kissy, kiss, holding hands, or cheesy ass sex. I'm speaking manifesting universal love.

Anywhere I land, I notice organic grassroots fielding changing hearts and minds. Quite powerful, powers that be should fear such power fielded by 1 individual. Happy fucking new year.

01/01/2023 02:15 · Alisssandra

matty healy

I swear apple tunes blew 1975 up in 2014. I skipped every track blasted on apple Itunes skipped until I was not able to skip tracks. I wasn't ready to listen. Early 2015 I heard falling4u I was hooked and began listening.

When smoke is in your eyes, you look so alive Do you fancy sitting down with me maybe 'Cause you're all I need According to your heart My place is not deliberate Feeling of your arms I don't want to be your friend, I want to kiss your neck…

Lyrics caught my attention, I didn't watch any of 1975 videos until 2017. Love black and white concept. Didn't know group members names not until a month 1/2 ago.

Yes, I'm a fan, but not fanatic. If I like music that's what matters. I figure if I'll never meet them zero point in trying to meet ppl through books, mags, or weird biased biographies seems stupid. Which information is slanted, biased, lacking real objectivity. I don't own anything which screams fan.

First concert 4-30-17 I almost didn't go, but hastily changed my mind. We went.. I don't remember much night completely eclipsed. Fuck my life sometimes.

Never viewed matty as a over sexualized anything. I thought drugs would kill him eventually. If I have to be honest. Something happened in past five yrs looks fucking healthy.

Now before I go to sleep matty's face glitches. Dream: something about a party with 1920 headpieces blue, purple, pink, decked of all things clear dice, lights lit bottom of floor tables of food, chairs, alcohol not sure why chairs where needed everyone was sitting on floor. matty, enters room suddenly people are excited.

Walks in with clear glasses filled with clear liquid. Immediately everyone begins to drink except me. I didn't know what was in glass. matty asked me to drink, suddenly I am looking for exit.

Fuck, I leave and stuck in sound proof room. I woke up..

12/31/2022 07:06 · Alisssandra

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